Stick Bass

One of the earliest recording tips I remember learning is using stick bass.

Particularly in a song with a nice high end, clean tones, or a rhythmic song where the guitar is playing the rhythm and the bass is tracking a melody, stick bass can really make that sound stand out.

Stick bass basically means to double your bassline on an electric guitar, and then mix them together.
First, you dial in the tone on your bass to be as clean enough as possible to be able to hear each note cleanly.

Then, you dial in the guitar tone so that it’s as bassy as possible.

Record the bassline, and then over top of that it record the same bassline on guitar.

Sometimes that will be enough. Other times I will record the bassline with my optimal tone, and then mix in the stick bass behind it.

Stick bass of course doesn’t work for all genres, but when you want the melody of the bass to come through, sometimes you just need a guitar behind it!

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